
Select a configuration for Nimbus. Running a standalone validator configuration is recommended for best modularity and redundancy.

For example when using 2 validators, logs will show the following:

Loading validators             topics="beacval" validatorsDir=/var/lib/nimbus/validators keystore_cache_available=true
Local validator attached       topics="val_pool" pubkey=95d39860a0d6ea3b92cba78069d21f3a validator=95d39860 initial_fee_recipient=81ba8d5c4ae850
Local validator attached       topics="val_pool" pubkey=82b225f66476962b161ed015786df00f validator=82b225f6 initial_fee_recipient=81ba8d5c4ae850

Press Ctrl + C to exit the logs.

Example of Synced Nimbus Validator Client Logs

  • Once the validator is active and proceeded through the validator activation queue, attestation messages will appear indicating successful attestations.

  • Notice the key words "Attestation sent".

nimbus_beacon_node[292966]: INF 2023-02-05 01:25:26.263+00:00 Attestation sent      attestation="(aggregation_bits: 0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, data: (slot: 31235, index: 3, beacon_block_root: \"ca3213f1\", source: \"1901:9deza1289\", target: \"1901:6ab1fafff\"), signature: \"32173064\")" delay=46ms543us294ns subnet_id=20

Cleanup leftover validator_keys

Verify that you have backups of validator_keys directory. The contents are the keystore files.

Having backup copies of your validator_keys directory on USB media can make recovery from node problems quicker. Validator keys can always be regenerated from secret recovery mnemonic phrase.

You may safely delete the directory.

# Remove default validator_key directory
sudo rm -r $HOME/staking-deposit-cli/validator_keys

Last updated