🛡️EthPillar: one-liner setup tool and node management TUI
Empowered, inspired, home staker. Free. Open source. Public goods for Ethereum. ARM64 and AMD64 support. Lido CSM Compatible. Jumpstart your ETH solo-staking / Lido CSM journey.
😄Friendly Node Installer: Helps you deploy a systemd installation with minority clients Nimbus-Nethermind or Teku-Besu stack in just minutes. MEVboost included.
💾Ease of use: No more remembering CLI commands required. Access common node operations via a simple text user interface (TUI).
🦉Fast Updates: Quickly find and download the latest consensus/execution release. Less downtime!
🎉Compatibility: Behind the scenes, node commands and file structure are identical to V2 staking setups.
🛠️Ethdo and eth-duties Integration: Helps stakers with every day common tasks.
🥓 Grafana and Ethereum-Metrics-Exporter Integration: Monitoring and dashboards has never been easier.
🔎Built-in Troubleshooting: Find common issues preventing your node from it's peak performance. Discover EthPillar's built-in Toolbox with port checkers, peer counts, automated system benchmarking.
🎉Multiple deployment configurations: Deploy a Solo Staking Node, Full Node Only, Lido CSM Staking Node, Validator Client Only or Failover Staking Node.
When ready to generate your keys, go to EthPillar > Validator Client > Generate / Import Validator Keys
Step 2: Upload deposit_data.json to Launchpad
To begin staking on Ethereum as a validator, you need to submit to the Launchpad your deposit_data.json file, which includes crucial withdrawal address details, and pay the required deposit of 32ETH per validator.
Import validator keys from offline key generation or backup
Add new or regenerate existing validator keys from Secret Recovery Phrase
Node Types: What is a failover staking node?
Purpose: To provide high availability, you would run TWO (or more) failover staking nodes on separate machines. Point your validator client to your two failover staking nodes.
What: A failover staking node is made up of an execution client, consensus client and mevboost.
Exposing the consensus client RPC port will also be required. You will need to adjust your firewall to allow traffic from your validator client's IP address as well.
Benefit: Running multiple failover staking nodes (or beacon nodes as nimbus refers to it) would allow you to perform maintenance or have an outage on 1 failover staking node.
Withdrawal Address: Can I have different withdraw addresses per validator or only 1 per setup?
Different withdrawal addresses per validator are possible if you run the ./deposit tool separately for each validator.
Generating Keystores: Can I generate 10 validator keystores and activate them one by one at the launchpad?
You can but it would require manual editing as you'll need to change the deposit_data json.
Migrate or Upgrade Staking Setup: How to switch to EthPillar from a V1 Staking setup or other staking tool
To migrate from a different staking setup, find your most applicable situation:
Cleanest and most problem-free option:
1) Reformat Ubuntu Operating System
2) Install EthPillar
3) Import validator keys
Existing V1 Staking Setup: OGs and genesis stakers 🫡
Shout out to accidental-green for their pioneering work in Python validator tools, which has unintentionally ignited the inspiration and direction for this project. We are building upon their innovative foundations by forking their validator-install code. A heartfelt thanks to accidental-green for their game-changing contributions to the open-source Ethereum ecosystem!