Checklist | Confirming a healthy functional ETH staking node
Scenario: How do I figure out and confirm that everything is working properly (eth 1 node in sync, eth 2 beacon chain in sync, eth 2 beacon node able to communicate with eth 1 node, etc etc.
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⏩ Quick steps guide
The following steps align with our mainnet guide. You may need to adjust file names and directory locations where appropriate. The core concepts remain the same.
🚀 Execution client Checklist
Execution client in sync
Ensure your node's block number matches the tip block of a public block explorer. Find your eth1's block # with command journalctl -fu eth1
Example log output:
INFO [12-06
Ports open
Confirm ports are reachable with an external port checker such as
Find Port # information here.
Check execution client logs for errors
Use the command journalctl -fu eth1
Understand how to stop/start Execution client
sudo systemctl stop eth1
sudo systemctl start eth1
Understand how to update my Execution client
Refer to this quick guide.
Reduce bandwidth usage
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Execution client node redundancy
Refer to the mainnet guide.
🧬 Consensus client Checklist
Installed latest stable release
Refer to how to update consensus client.
Beacon chain client can connect to Execution client
Check for a response with the command:curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"web3_clientVersion","params":[],"id":67}' http://localhost:8545
You should receive a response similar to:
Beacon chain is sync'd to mainnet
Ensure your block number matches the slot# of a public block explorer. Find your consensus client's beacon chain slot # with in logs with command journalctl -fu beacon-chain
Check beacon chain logs for errors
Use the command journalctl -fu beacon-chain
Ports open
Confirm ports are reachable with an external port checker such as or .
Click here for Port # information.
Understand how to stop/start beacon-chain
sudo systemctl stop beacon-chain
sudo systemctl start beacon-chain
Understand how to update my beacon chain
Refer to this quick guide.
Join Discord
Refer to the mainnet guide
🗝️ Consensus Validator Client Checklist
Verify keystores are properly imported
Refer to the mainnet guide's section on importing keys.
Check validator logs for errors
Use the command journalctl -fu validator
Verify attestations are working
Check your validators pubkey against a public block explorer.
Setup a graffiti flag / POAP
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Verified my mnemonic phrase can be restored.
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Understand how to add more validators
Refer to this quick guide.
Understand how to update my consensus client
Refer to this quick guide.
Know how to stop/start validator
sudo systemctl stop validator
sudo systemctl start validator
Beacon-node redundancy
Refer to the mainnet guide.
🧱 Validator Node Security Checklist
Secure the root account
Refer to the best security practices document.
Connect with SSH Keys Only
Refer to the best security practices document.
Harden SSH on a random port
Refer to the best security practices document.
Setup 2-FA for SSH (Optional)
Refer to the best security practices document.
Secure the Shared Memory
Refer to the best security practices document.
Setup a firewall
Refer to the best security practices document.
Setup port forwarding on my router
Refer to the best security practices document.
Setup intrusion-prevention monitoring
Refer to the best security practices document.
Whitelisted my local machine in the ufw firewall
Refer to the best security practices document.
Whitelisted my local machine in Fail2ban
Refer to the best security practices document.
Verify the listening ports
Refer to the best security practices document.
🚦 Validator Node Maintenance and Best Practices Checklist
Enabled automatic OS patching
Refer to the best security practices document.
Setup chrony or other NTP time sync service
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Setup Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring/Alerts/Dashboard
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Understand how to handle a power outage
In case of power outage, you want your validator machine to restart as soon as power is available. In the BIOS settings, change the Restore on AC / Power Loss or After Power Loss setting to always on. Better yet, install an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS).
Understand how to migrate consensus clients
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Understand how to voluntary exit
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Used all available LVM disk space
Refer to the mainnet guide.
Understand important directory locations
Refer to the mainnet guide.
🤖 Start staking by building a validator
Visit here for our Mainnet guide
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