Creating Startup Scripts and Services

To run an instance of Cardano Node, create a bash script to configure options. Also, implement Cardano Node as a systemd service.

Running Cardano Node as a systemd service maximizes the uptime of your stake pool by restarting the stake pool automatically if any stake pool processes may crash, or when the computer reboots.

To create a startup script and service for an instance of Cardano Node:

  1. On the computer hosting your block producing node, using a terminal window type the following command to navigate to the folder containing configuration files and scripts related to operating your Cardano node:


You set the $NODE_HOME environment variable when Installing GHC and Cabal.

  1. To retrieve the values of the $NODE_HOME and $USER environment variables, type:

echo $USER
  1. In the folder where you navigated in step 1, using a text editor create a file named and then add the following contents to the file where <NodeHomeValue> is the value of your $NODE_HOME environment variable that you retrieved in step 2, and <ConfigFileName> is config-bp.json on your block-producing node and config.json on all your relay nodes:

# Set variables to indicate Cardano Node options
# Set a variable to indicate the port where the Cardano Node listens
# Set a variable to indicate the local IP address of the computer where Cardano Node runs
# listens on all local IP addresses for the computer
# Set a variable to indicate the file path to your topology file
# Set a variable to indicate the folder where Cardano Node stores blockchain data
# Set a variable to indicate the path to the Cardano Node socket for Inter-process communication (IPC)
# Set a variable to indicate the file path to your main Cardano Node configuration file
# Run Cardano Node using the options that you set using variables
/usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology ${TOPOLOGY} --database-path ${DB_PATH} --socket-path ${SOCKET_PATH} --host-addr ${HOSTADDR} --port ${PORT} --config ${CONFIG}

You configured the topology.json file when Configuring Topology. You downloaded the config-bp.json and config.json files when Downloading Configuration Files. For more details on options for the cardano-node run command, see the topic How to run cardano-node in the Cardano Developer Portal.

  1. Save and close the file.

  2. To set execute permissions for the file, type:

chmod +x $NODE_HOME/
  1. To create the folder where Cardano Node stores blockchain data, type:

mkdir $NODE_HOME/db
  1. To run Cardano Node as a service, using a text editor create a file named cardano-node.service and then add the following contents to the file where <UserValue> is the value of your $USER environment variable and <NodeHomeValue> is the value of your $NODE_HOME environment variable that you retrieved in step 2:

# The Cardano Node service (part of systemd)
# file: /etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service  
Description       = Cardano Node Service
Wants             =
After             =  
User              = <UserValue>
Type              = simple
WorkingDirectory  = <NodeHomeValue>
ExecStart         = /bin/bash -c '<NodeHomeValue>/'
KillSignal        = SIGINT
RestartKillSignal = SIGINT
TimeoutStopSec    = 300
LimitNOFILE       = 32768
Restart           = always
RestartSec        = 5
SyslogIdentifier  = cardano-node  
WantedBy          =
  1. Save and close the cardano-node.service file.

  2. To move the cardano-node.service file to the folder /etc/systemd/system and set file permissions, type:

sudo mv $NODE_HOME/cardano-node.service /etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service
  1. To start Cardano Node as a service when the computer boots, type:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable cardano-node.service
  1. Repeat steps 1 to 10 on each computer hosting a relay node in your stake pool configuration.

Managing Services

To help administer an instance of Cardano Node running as a systemd service, use the following commands.

To view the status of the Cardano Node service, type:

sudo systemctl status cardano-node

To restart the Cardano Node service, type:

sudo systemctl reload-or-restart cardano-node

To stop the Cardano Node service, type:

sudo systemctl stop cardano-node

To display and filter logs, type one of the following commands, for example:

journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow
journalctl --unit=cardano-node --since=yesterday
journalctl --unit=cardano-node --since=today
journalctl --unit=cardano-node --since='2022-07-29 00:00:00' --until='2022-07-29 12:00:00'

If you are not satisfied with the performance of an instance of Cardano Node, then see the topic Configuring Runtime Options.

Last updated