Overview - Manual Installation

πŸ†• Announcements

As of July 6 2024, this Version 2 Guide written for πŸ¦‰DencunπŸ¦‰ Holesky Testnet 😁

✨Always test and practice on testnet first. Mainnet guide available here.

πŸ”§ About This Guide

For the advanced user who wants customization and is comfortable with CLI commands, this guide will walk you through the details of setting up a validator. For most users, the quickest and automated way to setup a staking node is with EthPillar.

πŸ‘ Your Github Contributions Welcome

This guide is fully open source and fully powered by home-stakers like you.

Pull requests or issues can be submitted on github.

⬆️ View Changelog: See the latest changes to the guide.

Last updated