Uploading Pool Metadata to GitHub Pages
Last updated
Last updated
Sign up or login to your GitHub account.
Create a new public repository named username.github.io, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub. Shorter the better.
Click Get started by "creating a new file" under Quick setup.\
Enter your file name as md.json and paste in your JSON content.
Click Commit Changes...
If everything worked properly, your pool metadata is now hosted at URL:
Example URL: https://coincashew.github.io/md.json
Ensure the URL is less than 64 characters. If too long, pick a shorter github username or shorter json file name.
In your stakepool registration transaction, set the value of the --metadata-url
parameter to this URL.
On your block producer node, download your JSON file using the URL with wget
Note that it can take up to 10 minutes for changes to your site to publish after you commit changes.
As a sanity check, check the contents of your JSON file.
On your block producer node, generate the updated pool metadata hash.