Guide: How to mine Monero

🏁 1. Prerequisites

  • 64bit Intel or AMD CPU


🌜 2. Install and use a compatible wallet

⛏️ 3. Install mining software

  1. Extract the archive

  2. Launch Gupax

  3. Enter your Monero address in the P2Pool tab

  4. Select a Remote Monero Node (or run your own local Monero Node)

  5. Start P2Pool

  6. Start XMRig

You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining!

Option 2: xmrig

  1. Download latest miner binaries from

  2. Configure your xmrig with the configuration wizard.

Example: Command Line to mine with CPU

xmrig.exe -o -u 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A

📄 4. Optional: Enable Huge Pages

Enabling huge pages can boost hash rate up to 50%

Two ways to enable huge pages.

  1. Run the xmrig.exe one time with administrator and then reboot your PC.

    • Right-click xmrig.exe > select "Run as administrator"


  1. Manually change the Lock Pages in Memory setting.

    1. Press WindowsKey + R

    2. Type gpedit.msc

    3. In Local Group Policy Editor, make the following update

      1. Open Computer Configuration

      2. Open Window Settings

      3. Open Security Settings

      4. Open Local Policies

      5. Select User Rights Assignment folder

      6. Double-click Lock pages in memory

      7. Click Add User or Group

      8. Hit search

      9. Select your Windows username

💰 5. FAQ

5.1 How much performance should I expect from my hardware?

Find your potential CPU mining performance at

5.2 How much can I expect to mine?

Enter your hash rate at

5.3 When will I get paid?

Gupax with p2pools: On the status tab, view the share/block time calculator.

xmrig with mining pools: When your earnings reaches the payout limit or threshold, payment is automatically sent to your address.

5.4 How can I optimize and tune my miner?

Follow the Windows tuning guide by sech1 (XMRig Dev)