To strengthen Ethereum's resilience against potential attacks or consensus bugs, it's best practice to run a minority client in order to increase client diversity. Find the latest distribution of consensus clients here:
Recommendation : Lodestar
Your choice of Lighthouse, Nimbus, Teku, Prysm or Lodestar.
Reminder: Ensure you are logged in and execute all steps in this guide as non-root user, ethereum ,
created during Step 2: Configuring Node.
Lighthouse is an Eth client with a heavy focus on speed and security. The team behind it, Sigma Prime, is an information security and software engineering firm who have funded Lighthouse along with the Ethereum Foundation, Consensys, and private individuals. Lighthouse is built in Rust and offered under an Apache 2.0 License.
5.1. Install rust dependency
Enter '1' to proceed with the default install.
Update your environment variables.
Install rust dependencies.
5.2. Build Lighthouse from source
In case of compilation errors, run the following sequence.
This build process may take a few minutes.
Verify lighthouse was installed properly by checking the version number.
Run the following command to import your validator keys from the staking-deposit-cli tool directory.
Enter your keystore password to import accounts.
Verify the accounts were imported successfully.
WARNING: Do not import your validator keys into multiple validator clients and run them at the same time, or you might get slashed. If moving validators to a new setup or different validator client, ensure deletion of the previous validator keys before continuing.
Specific to your networking setup or cloud provider settings, ensure your validator's firewall ports are open and reachable.
Lighthouse consensus client requires port 9000 for tcp and udp
Execution client requires port 30303 for tcp and udp
Create a systemd unit file to define yourbeacon-chain.service
Paste the following configuration into the file.
To exit and save, press Ctrl
+ X
, then Y
, thenEnter
Update file permissions.
Run the following to enable auto-start at boot time and then start your beacon node service.
Nice work. Your beacon chain is now managed by the reliability and robustness of systemd.
Create a systemd unit file to define your validator.service
Paste the following configuration into the file.
** with your own Ethereum address that you control. Tips are sent to this address and are immediately spendable, unlike the validator's attestation and block proposal rewards.
To exit and save, press Ctrl
+ X
, then Y
, thenEnter
Update the configuration file with your current user's home path and user name.
Update file permissions.
Run the following to enable auto-start at boot time and then start your validator.
Nice work. Your validator is now managed by the reliability and robustness of systemd.
🗄 Viewing and filtering logs
Syncing the consensus client is instantaneous with checkpoint sync but the execution client can take up to a day. On nodes with fast NVME drives and gigabit internet, expect your node to be fully synced in a few hours.
Patience required: If you're checking the logs and see any warnings or errors, please be patient as these will normally resolve once both your execution and consensus clients are fully synced to the Ethereum network.\
How do I know I'm fully synced?
Check your execution client's logs and compare the block number against the most recent block on
Check EL logs: journalctl -fu eth1
Check your consensus client's logs and compare the slot number against the most recent slot on
Check CL logs: journalctl -fu beacon-chain
Once your beacon chain is synced, validator up and running, you just wait for activation. This process can take 24+ hours. Only 900 new validators can join per day. When you're assigned, your validator will begin creating and voting on blocks while earning staking rewards.
Use to create alerts and track your validator's performance.
Subscribe to your Execution Client and Consensus Client's Github repository to be notified of new releases. Hit the Notifications button.
Join the community on Discord and Reddit to discuss all things staking related.
Familiarize yourself with Part II - Maintenance section, as you'll need to keep your staking node running at its best.
Up your staking understanding with the EthStaker Knowledge Base
Finished testing? Before decommissioning your validator, it's good practice to properly exit your validator as this improves staking network health.
Setup MEV-boost for extra staking rewards!
Familiarize yourself with Part III - Tips section, as you dive deeper into staking.
Find Ethstaker frens on the Ethstaker Discord and coincashew Discord.
Use reddit: r/Ethstaker, or DMs, or r/coincashew
Support us on Gitcoin Grants: We build this guide exclusively by community support!
Feedback or pull-requests:
I stand upon the shoulders of giants and as such, invite you to stand upon mine. Use my work with or without attribution; I make no claim of "intellectual property." My ideas are the result of countless millenia of evolution - they belong to humanity.
5.3. Import validator key
5.4. Configure port forwarding and/or firewall
5.5. Start the beacon chain
5.6. Start the validator
4.1. Build Nimbus from source
4.2. Import validator key
4.3. Configure port forwarding and/or firewall
4.4. Start the beacon chain and validator
4.1 Build Teku from source
4.2. Configure port forwarding and/or firewall
4.3. Configure the beacon chain and validator
4.4 Import validator key
4.5. Start the beacon chain and validator
Setup systemd service
4.1. Install Prysm
4.2. Download the goerli/prater testnet genesis state file
4.3. Configure port forwarding and/or firewall
4.4. Import validator key
4.5. Start the beacon chain
Setup systemd service
4.6. Start the validator
4.1 Build Lodestar from source
4.2. Configure port forwarding and/or firewall
4.3. Import validator key
4.4. Start the beacon chain and validator
4.5. Start the validator
Setup systemd service
View the status of the beacon chain
Restarting the beacon chain
Stopping the beacon chain
View the status of the validator
Restarting the validator
Stopping the validator
Congrats! You've finished the primary steps of setting up your validator. You're now an Ethereum staker!
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