Claiming Stake Pool Rewards

Let's walk through an example to claim your stake pools rewards.

Rewards are accumulated in the stake.addr address.

First, find the tip of the blockchain to set the invalid-hereafter parameter properly.

currentSlot=$(cardano-cli query tip --mainnet | jq -r '.slot')
echo Current Slot: $currentSlot

Set the amount to send in lovelaces. Remember 1 ADA = 1,000,000 lovelaces.

rewardBalance=$(cardano-cli query stake-address-info \
    --mainnet \
    --address $(cat stake.addr) | jq -r ".[0].rewardAccountBalance")
echo rewardBalance: $rewardBalance

Set the destination address which is where you're moving your reward to. This address must have a positive balance to pay for transaction fees.

destinationAddress=$(cat payment.addr)
echo destinationAddress: $destinationAddress

Find your payment.addr balance, utxos and build the withdrawal string.

cardano-cli query utxo \
    --address $(cat payment.addr) \
    --mainnet > fullUtxo.out

tail -n +3 fullUtxo.out | sort -k3 -nr > balance.out

cat balance.out

while read -r utxo; do
    type=$(awk '{ print $6 }' <<< "${utxo}")
    if [[ ${type} == 'TxOutDatumNone' ]]
        in_addr=$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< "${utxo}")
        idx=$(awk '{ print $2 }' <<< "${utxo}")
        utxo_balance=$(awk '{ print $3 }' <<< "${utxo}")
        echo TxHash: ${in_addr}#${idx}
        echo ADA: ${utxo_balance}
        tx_in="${tx_in} --tx-in ${in_addr}#${idx}"
done < balance.out
txcnt=$(cat balance.out | wc -l)
echo Total available ADA balance: ${total_balance}
echo Number of UTXOs: ${txcnt}

withdrawalString="$(cat stake.addr)+${rewardBalance}"

Run the build-raw transaction command.

cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
    ${tx_in} \
    --tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+0 \
    --invalid-hereafter $(( ${currentSlot} + 10000)) \
    --fee 0 \
    --withdrawal ${withdrawalString} \
    --out-file tx.tmp

Calculate the current minimum fee:

fee=$(cardano-cli transaction calculate-min-fee \
    --tx-body-file tx.tmp \
    --tx-in-count ${txcnt} \
    --tx-out-count 1 \
    --mainnet \
    --witness-count 2 \
    --byron-witness-count 0 \
    --protocol-params-file params.json | awk '{ print $1 }')
echo fee: $fee

Calculate your change output.

echo Change Output: ${txOut}

Build your transaction.

cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
    ${tx_in} \
    --tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+${txOut} \
    --invalid-hereafter $(( ${currentSlot} + 10000)) \
    --fee ${fee} \
    --withdrawal ${withdrawalString} \
    --out-file tx.raw

Copy tx.raw to your cold environment.

Sign the transaction with both the payment and stake secret keys.

cardano-cli transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file tx.raw \
    --signing-key-file payment.skey \
    --signing-key-file stake.skey \
    --mainnet \
    --out-file tx.signed

Copy tx.signed to your hot environment.

Send the signed transaction.

cardano-cli transaction submit \
    --tx-file tx.signed \

Check if the funds arrived.

cardano-cli query utxo \
    --address ${destinationAddress} \

You should see output similar to this showing your updated Lovelace balance with rewards.

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace