Disk Usage by Execution / Consensus Client

EL and CL combinations ranked by disk usage


As of late 2022, here is a sampling of EL/CL combinations and their disk space usage. Sorted by highest to lowest disk usage, from a glance you can determine relatively how much space each client combination required at that time and hopefully help you make better informed decisions.

Mainnet tldr

Least disk space use: Besu/Teku 577GB

Most disk space use: Erigon/Lodestar 1.6TB

Testnet Goerli tldr

Least disk space use: Besu/Prysm

Most disk space use: Erigon/Nimbus


Execution and consensus layer data usage numbers as of 2022.12.19 by barnabas

Testnet Goerli

Execution and consensus layer data usage numbers as of 2022.12.19 by Sea Monkey

Last updated