Starting the Nodes

Start your stake pool with systemctl and begin syncing the blockchain!

sudo systemctl start cardano-node

Congratulations! Your nodes are running successfully. Synchronizing your local copies of the Cardano blockchain ledger with the network may take about 18 hours.

To monitor your Cardano nodes, install gLiveView.

gLiveView displays crucial node status information and works well with systemd services.

sudo apt install bc tcptraceroute -y
curl -s -o
curl -s -o env
chmod 755

Run the following to modify env with the updated file locations.

sed -i env \
    -e "s/\#CONFIG=\"\${CNODE_HOME}\/files\/config.json\"/CONFIG=\"\${NODE_HOME}\/config.json\"/g" \
    -e "s/\#SOCKET=\"\${CNODE_HOME}\/sockets\/node0.socket\"/SOCKET=\"\${NODE_HOME}\/db\/socket\"/g"

For complete documentation from the developer on using the gLiveView script and env file, visit Guild Operators.

A node must synchronize to epoch 208 (Shelley launch) before can start tracking the synchronization process. Before your node synchronizes to epoch 208, you can track node synchronization using the following command:

journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow

Run gLiveView to monitor the progress of the local Cardano Node synchronizing with the blockchain.


Sample output of gLiveView.

Last updated