Nethermind is a flagship Ethereum client all about performance and flexibility. Built on .NET core, a widespread, enterprise-friendly platform, Nethermind makes integration with existing infrastructures simple, without losing sight of stability, reliability, data integrity, and security.
# Get Ubuntu versiondeclare repo_version=$(if command -v lsb_release &> /dev/null; thenlsb_release-r-s; elsegrep-oP'(?<=^VERSION_ID=).+'/etc/os-release|tr-d'"'; fi)# Download Microsoft signing key and repositorywget$repo_version/packages-microsoft-prod.deb-Opackages-microsoft-prod.deb# Install Microsoft signing key and repositorysudodpkg-ipackages-microsoft-prod.deb# Clean uprmpackages-microsoft-prod.deb# Update packagessudoapt-getupdate&&sudoapt-getinstall-ydotnet-sdk-8.0
Build the binaries.
mkdir-p~/gitcd~/git# Clone the repogitclone Get new tagsgitfetch--tags# Get latest tag namelatestTag=$(gitdescribe--tags`gitrev-list--tags--max-count=1`)# Checkout latest taggitcheckout $latestTag# Builddotnetpublishsrc/Nethermind/Nethermind.Runner-crelease-onethermind
Verify Nethermind was properly built by checking the version.
Time to re-sync the execution client can take a few hours up to a day.
Now that your execution client is configured and started, proceed to the next step on setting up your consensus client.
If you're checking the logs and see any warnings or errors, please be patient as these will normally resolve once both your execution and consensus clients are fully synced to the Ethereum network.